Tattoo Removal Pre- & Post-Treatment Care


Pre-Treatment Instructions

Avoid Sun Exposure: Stay out of direct sunlight and avoid tanning beds or self-tanners for at least 2 weeks before and after treatment, ideally 4 weeks. Sun exposure increases the risk of hypopigmentation, hyperpigmentation, and blistering while reducing treatment effectiveness.

Keep the Skin Clean: The treatment area should be free of lotions, oils, perfumes, deodorants, makeup, and sunscreen. Wash the area thoroughly before your appointment.

Medications to Avoid:
🚫 Discontinue Accutane and other photosensitizing medications at least 6 months before treatment.
🚫 Avoid blood-thinning medications like aspirin, ibuprofen, and certain supplements (fish oil, vitamin E, St. John’s Wort) for at least 3 days before treatment unless prescribed by a doctor.

Shaving is Allowed: Do not wax, tweeze, use chemical depilatories, or undergo electrolysis on the treated area for 2 weeks before and after treatment. However, shaving is recommended before treatment to remove surface hair.

Hydrate & Nourish Your Skin: Healthy skin responds better to treatment. Drink plenty of water and keep the skin moisturized leading up to your session.

Medical History & Health Updates: Please inform us of any recent illnesses, medications, or changes in your medical history, including pregnancy, new tattoos, or recent injuries in the treatment area.

Post-Treatment Instructions

Your skin will go through a healing process after treatment. Following these aftercare steps will reduce discomfort, prevent complications, and optimize results.

What to Expect After Treatment

  • “Frosting” Effect (whitening of the tattooed area) may appear immediately and will subside within a few hours.
  • Redness, swelling, and mild pinpoint bleeding are common and usually resolve within 24-72 hours.
  • Blistering, scabbing, and itching may occur during the healing process. These are normal and should not be picked, peeled, or scratched.

How to Care for the Treated Area

First 24-48 Hours

  • Apply a cold compress (wrapped in a clean cloth) for 10-15 minutes at a time to reduce swelling and discomfort.
  • Take Tylenol if needed for pain (avoid ibuprofen and aspirin for the first 48 hours).
  • Keep the area clean and dry—do not scrub. Let cool water gently run over it, then pat dry.

First 7 Days

  • Apply a thin layer of Post Procedure ointment, recommend using AnteAGE MD Biogel Occlusiv or Aquaphor or 2-3 times daily to keep the area moist and promote healing.
  • Cover with a nonstick Telfa gauze pad if the area is irritated or prone to friction.
  • Do not pick, peel, rub, or scratch scabs or blisters. If a blister bursts, apply ointment and cover it with sterile gauze.

Avoid Certain Activities
🚫 No Swimming or Soaking – Avoid pools, hot tubs, saunas, and long baths until the area is fully healed.
🚫 No Intense Exercise for 2-7 Days – Sweating can increase irritation and risk of infection.
🚫 No Sun Exposure for at Least 4 WeeksSunlight can cause pigmentation changes and delay healing. Always apply an SPF 30+ sunscreen with zinc oxide when exposed to the sun.

Healing Timeline & Additional Sessions

🔹 The treated tattoo will gradually fade over the next 4-8 weeks as your immune system breaks down the ink particles.
🔹 Multiple sessions (typically 6-12, depending on tattoo size, ink color, and depth) are required for full removal.
🔹 Each session should be spaced 6-8 weeks apart to allow proper healing.

Following these guidelines will ensure safe, effective tattoo removal with minimal risk of complications. If you have any concerns or need assistance, feel free to contact us: Call or Text: 602-952-8446 Looking forward to helping you achieve your tattoo removal goals!


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