Kids Nurturing Massage
A perfect way to introduce your child to massage, this experience will help young spa-goers learn to deal with future stress or sports injuries. Parent or Guardian must be present for this session, and a bathing suit is required.

Massage Enhances Healthy Sleep Patterns
Massage increases the production of melatonin (a sleep hormone) at night. In a two-week study, this resulted in the adjustment of babies sleeping through the night and being active during the day sooner than babies not receiving the massage.
Massage Relieves Anxiety and Psychological Stress
Massage has been shown to decrease the levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) in healthy and ill babies and children and to increase the levels of dopamine and serotonin (relaxation hormones).
Massage Helps Build A Healthy Body Image
Body image is a “mental picture” a child has of his or her own body and is central to the sense of self. The foundation for a healthy body image is developed during infancy and early childhood, initially in response to the touching, holding, or tactile nurturing of the parents. A good foundation is needed to prevent future body distortions.
Massage Enhances Cognitive Performance and Relaxation
Preschool children receiving short massages twice a week during a five-week study received better ratings on mood state, speech, activity, and cooperation than those who did not receive massage. They also fell asleep faster during naptime.