Vitamin IV Therapies
We recognize that vitamins, mineral, amino acids, and other nutrients when given intravenously circumvent the uncertainly of absorption in the gastrointestinal tract and delivers them directly into the bloodstream.
In addition to EDTA Chelation therapy, we also offer several different types of IV treatments depending on the ailment in a particular patient.
Immune enhancement therapy
Immune drips are a combination of high doses of vitamin C, and B Complex Vitamins, magnesium, trace minerals, and Glutathione, which enhances the immune system. These could be used for
• Flu
• Respiratory infections including pneumonia
• Gastrointestinal infections
• Shingles
• Mononucleosis
• Lyme disease
• Fatigue
• Stress
• Chronic illnesses of many kinds causing physical debility
• Preoperative support
• Postoperative support
• Cancer (including individuals undergoing