B12 Shot
…Suddenly Slimmer Day Spa in Phoenix offers Vitamin B12 shots for weight loss, energy boost, and fight depression and stress.
Getting regular shots of Vitamin B12 has been found to directly induce weight loss, and speed up one’s metabolism, promoting great weight loss. Patients who have received Vitamin B12 shots have reported a major boost in energy needed to motivate them to exercise more and conscientiously eat healthy.
Studies also show that Vitamin B12 shots help fight depression and stress, which are often associated with weight gain. Patients at the spa who have received Vitamin B12 shots have been quite satisfied with their new-found energy and gradual weight loss as a result. Our in-house physicians and registered nurses administer the shot and explain to patients the benefits of B12.
Vitamin B12 shots are administered into the muscle for better absorption and are usually given on a weekly basis. Aside from weight loss, some of our patients who have received Vitamin B12 shots have noticed an improvement in their sleep patterns, reduced allergies, and less frequent and severe headaches.
We offer the highest quality B12 injections to our patients to ensure maximum absorption and use in the body.

We offer a better choice of B12 called: Methylcobalamin. This is the form that exists in nature, and it is pre-methylated, meaning it’s ready for your biochemistry to put to immediate use. Methylcobalamin has several key advantages over cyanocobalamin: * Increased absorption * Better retention in tissues * Contains no toxic cyanide * Supports production of SAMe Suddenly Slimmer was the 1st Med Spa in Phoenix | Scottsdale Arizona to offer B12 shot, B12 shot with lipotropics and fat burners, also called “slim shots”.