Bye! Bye! Belly Jelly!
Bye! Bye! Belly Jelly! First, the abdominal area goes through a vigorous massage and kneading to stimulate circulation and release fats from the area where it is stored. This allows the fat to flow out of the body through the lymphatic system. Secondly, the abdominal area is wrapped in ace bandages soaked in enzymes that help break down the fats & rid the body of toxins which helps to rejuvenate the body.

Next “cupping” is performed. This practice involves placing a rounded cup made of glass onto selected areas with the open side down. A vacuum is created, which anchors the cup to the skin and pulls the skin upward on the inside of the suction cup. This therapy helps to break down the fat cells even more in order for the body to purge it out. Finally, a layer of a new product from Brazil called Impact Gel is applied to the abdominal area. The professional-grade Impact Gel contains seaweed extracts, various herbs and other natural ingredients that help shrink the tummy area.