Botox can for sure be used for jawline contouring or face slimming. At Suddenly Slimmer Med Spa (Phoenix, Arizona), we are proud to have been one of the first Med Spa’s to offer Botox for Face Slimming & Jaw Contouring.
If you’re considering Botox, expect to be impressed by its many benefits.
Botox is a prescription medication that improves moderate to severe frown lines, forehead furrows, smoker’s lines, and crow’s feet. It can also contour your jawline and slim your face. Botox is a great alternative to invasive cosmetic procedures. It’s quick, painless, and seldom causes side effects.
- Botox is non-invasive and non-surgical.
- Botox instantly reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Botox requires no recovery time.
- Botox not only treats existing wrinkles, but also prevents new ones from forming.
- Botox effectively and safely treats a wide range of dynamic wrinkles.
- Botox is convenient.
- Botox is temporary.
- Botox is FDA-approved, safe, effective and proven to work.
- Botox is a neurotoxin and works by attaching itself to nerve endings. Once this happens, the neurotransmitter responsible for triggering muscle contractions, called acetylcholine, can’t be released. To put it more simply, Botox injections temporarily relax the facial muscles that underlie and cause wrinkles. It also relaxes the underlying muscles that cause jawlines to look more masculine.
Botox has been proven safe for most people, especially those who wish to eliminate dynamic wrinkles, or wrinkles caused by the contraction of underlying muscles, such as frown lines and crow’s feet. Botox works best on younger patients, and is recommended for people between the ages of 18 and 70. Older folks should consult with a plastic surgeon or dermatologist to ensure that their skin tone is elastic enough to respond to treatment.
Botox can’t work wonders on everyone. People who might not benefit from Botox treatments include those with weakened facial muscles, allergies to bovine products, and who are taking antibiotics or blood thinners. Botox also might not be as effective on people with non-dynamic wrinkles, such as those wrinkles caused by gravity, skin infections or sun damage.
In addition to treating dynamic lines and wrinkles, Botox can actually reshape your jawline. How? Well, if you have a face shape that’s too wide at the jaws, the culprits behind that are most likely your masseter muscles, otherwise known as your chewing muscles. As you age, these muscles can actually become more pronounced over time, causing a woman’s face to look more masculine. So, by injecting Botox into these muscles, you can actually slim down your face, giving it a more feminine, symmetrical look. With repeated Botox injections, your chewing muscles will become weaker over time, resulting in a smaller jawline.
Compared to more traditional jawline re-contouring procedures, which involve invasive and complicated techniques such as shaving the jaw bone and/or removing the muscle or outer layer of the lower jaw, Botox jawline contouring is non-surgical and non-invasive, meaning you can resume your normal activities just a few days after treatment!
Women who have square jawlines tend to have large masseter muscles. What’s the masseter muscle? It’s located in the jaw and is responsible for moving your jaw whenever you eat or chew food. If you chew a lot of gum, you can accentuate the size of the masseter muscle over time.
Not everyone is a good candidate for Botox jawline recontouring. To decide if you’re a good candidate, the doctor must measure the thickness of your masseter muscle, which is easily determined by biting down hard and feeling the outer jawline. If your masseter muscle appears to be almost rock hard and enlarged in appearance when you bite down, then you’re most likely a good candidate for this procedure.
Luckily, such a treatment doesn’t result in weakness of the bite or chewing. The best part about undergoing Botox jawline recontouring is that it’s quick and painless. You’ll have to take certain precautions before undergoing a Botox treatment. Ten days before receiving Botox injections, you’ll be asked to refrain from taking products that contain aspirin, ibuprofen, and vitamin E – doing so will significantly reduce the chance of bruising following treatment.
You’ll generally receive a consultation beforehand to determine the best treatment for your needs. And when you do undergo a treatment, a topical numbing gel will be applied fifteen minutes prior. Several injections will be administered into the underlying masseter muscle around your jawline. Most people say that the injections feel similar to getting vaccinated – that is, they feel only a few seconds of mild discomfort as the Botox enters the injection site. A few hours afterwards, the injection site may look red and feel irritated.
Immediately following the injections, you might be required to contract the treated muscles. Your physician might ask you to move your jaw around. This helps to evenly distribute the Botox throughout the injection site. Your physician will also tell you to refrain from exercising, bending over, lying down or rubbing the area for the first 24-48 hours after treatment. This ensures that the Botox settles in the right place and doesn’t migrate elsewhere. Failure to do so can potentially result in complications.
Side effects from Botox are relatively rare, but as with any cosmetic procedure, they can still happen. The most common side effect of Botox injections is temporary bruising, followed by headaches lasting up to 48 hours. Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or who suffer from neurological disorders can’t undergo Botox injections.
While regular Botox of the upper face works within seven to ten days following treatment, Botox injected into the masseter muscle takes about six weeks before you’ll be able to see a noticeable difference, and the results lasts anywhere from six months to a year. But, you should notice at the end of the first week that your jawline feels and looks softer. You should undergo a second session at six months following the first injection to really recontour your jawline.
Botox works wonders. So what are you waiting for? Schedule your Botox jaw re-contouring consultation at Suddenly Slimmer Med Spa today 602-952-8446.