Fraxel Laser Treatment
Suddenly Slimmer Spa offers the newest in state-of-the-art skin care systems, the Fraxel Laser Skin Rejuvenation. This advanced laser system is offered exclusively at Suddenly Slimmer Spa, located in Phoenix Arizona.
The Fraxel provides treatments for:
* Face: surface wrinkles, brown spots, pigmentation, roughness
* Face: acne scars
* Face, Neck & Chest: acne scars
* Neck: wrinkles and pigmentation
* Chest: sun damage, wrinkles, freckles, brown spots
* Hands: age spots, weathered appearance
* Arms: age spots, rough skin, actinic keratoses
* Hips & Abdomen: stretch marks Fraxel reduces the effects of time on the skin, uncovering more youthful, healthy skin. Clinical studies have proven that the Fraxel is the gold standard, is less painful than other similar treatments, takes less time, is less costly, and is safe for the removal of wrinkles and scars. When combined with the Zimmer air cooling system, the treatment feels like a small rubber band snap.
Through precise thermal manipulation of the epidermal and dermal tissue, it remodels collagen through the papillary dermis to promote collagen production and the production of new and beautiful skin.