“I need it now!” For celebrities, that command goes for pressed juice, Céline bags—and skin care. Here, the fastest, craziest ways Hollywood skin pros eradicate zits, cellulite, and lines.
When stars need to shine at a party (or recover from one), they get a Vita-Infusion Facial. While an aesthetician tends to the skin, a registered nurse or a doctor starts an IV filled with vitamins C and B, calcium gluconate, and magnesium chloride—a modified version of a vitamin mixture that has been studied for its effect on chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. Patients get an energy boost and “a nice glow, probably related to vasodilation,” says Norman Leaf, an associate clinical professor of plastic surgery at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. You can expect skin to glow for about 24 hours when amino acids are added to a basic vitamin drip.
Celebrity Denise Richards – Getting an IPL Photo Facial
Celebrity Denise Richards – Getting an IPL Photo Facial
Before big events, actresses and pop stars get a combination of laser skin tightening and IPL Photofacial laser treatment. The two lasers, each with a different wavelength: One removes redness and brown spots, and the other stimulates collagen production to reduce fine lines and large pores and give skin an immediate glow. “Some stars get this done in the morning of an event as part of their red-carpet prep. Makeup can easily veil the resulting redness.
Adriana Lima, Candice Swanepoel, Erin Heatherton, Miranda Kerr—before these Angels strap on their wings for the Victoria’s Secret fashion show, they get a body facials. The experience starts with microdermabrasion followed by a gentle laser skin tightening treatment, which encourages fibroblasts to make new collagen. A peel comes next—20 percent glycolic acid spiked with calming lavender essence. Skin is then doused with a serum that helps build collagen, illuminated with low-energy light that slows its breakdown, and topped with a rich cream laced with tremella mushroom extract, a humectant that can hold 500 times its weight in water. Skin looks dewy and radiant right away, and the buildup of collagen is long-lasting. Stars can head straight to hair and makeup.
Even in Tinseltown, scalpels are becoming yesterday’s news. Surgery isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. When stars need a lift, they get Power Facials instead of face-lifts: an exfoliating retinoid peel, Intense Pulsed Light (which targets brown spots and broken capillaries), microdermabrasion with an infusion of the antioxidants vitamin C and niacinamide, and, finally, radio frequency to firm the face and neck.
Skin tightening is huge in Hollywood. Actresses like to get skin tightening treatment done on their eyelids and brows right before red-carpet events because instantly, the skin looks incredibly taut, and there’s no downtime. Suddenly Slimmer Med Spa uses laser skin tightening or radio frequency device, which doesn’t require anesthesia ( the sensation you feel is similar to a hot-stone massage). Results are most visible in the 48 hours after treatment. For an effect that lasts about a year, we recommend 6 treatment of laser skin tightening and four to five monthly treatments are needed of radio frequency.
If this next item had a snarky hashtag, it would be #celebrityproblems. When hefty earrings drag down stars’ earlobes, their doctors reinflate them with an injection of a hyaluronic acid–based filler, like Restylane or Juvéderm. Aging hands are another big concern. Celebrities likes their hands to look as youthful as their faces. The synthetic calcium-based filler Radiesse offers a dramatic fix for up to a year. Physician or a registered nurse slowly injects the mixture into the top layer of the skin near visible veins, stopping frequently so they can gently massage the area to create a completely smooth surface. If the hands have brown spots they will zap them with an Intense Pulsed Light device. Splotches darken and flake off a week later, leaving no evidence of sun damage.
A thirtysomething blonde who was scheduled to present at the Golden Globe Awards is rumored to have gone to a famous skin care expert in LA, the morning of the show with some crepiness around her eyes. The famous skin care expert applied a mix of hyaluronic acid and collagen protein and drove it in with ultrasound waves to deeply hydrate the skin, smooth away fine lines, and give a dewy glow. Results are instant but fleeting—lasting only a day or two—and most remarkable around the eyes, where skin is thinnest.
If stars can’t get in to see a skin care expert, we recommend you pick up a Clarisonic Opal Sonic Infusion System, which uses a similar technology and serum.
There’s a reason stars on the red carpet glow like someone has plugged them in. Indeed, someone has: We like to call them “electrical aestheticians” uses different types of current to boost radiance, enhance lymphatic drainage, kill acne bacteria, wipe out dark circles, and even spark cellular repair. While microcurrent has been popular with aestheticians for years, the even-lower-frequency nanocurrent, is now gaining momentum. The goal is to replicate the signal that the brain produces in deep delta sleep—a frequency that initiates repair.
Following a nanocurrent facial, energy slowly builds in the skin, peaking three days later. Stars typically get this treatment two days before the Academy Awards, and then, if time allows, they get a little pop treatment the day of. Electrical stimulation during a facial, prompt an exchange of ions and rev up the metabolism, increasing the energy of the cells. And the more you do it, the longer-lasting the results.
Stars do crazy things to grab attention, but one thing they don’t want anyone to see is their frozen forehead. It’s in their contract: If they get Botox, they could be fired. So a physicking or register nurse inject tiny amounts of the toxin into multiple areas of the forehead for a softer, more relaxed look. People still have full motion, so they can emote and act effectively, but skin doesn’t accordion. E
To strengthen and prolong the toxin’s effect, especially when patients are on tour or filming abroad, physicians may offers a new prescription supplement called Zytaze. The pill combines zinc with phytase, an enzyme that breaks down phytates, or compounds that prevent zinc’s absorption. Why is zinc so crucial? To be effective, botulinum toxin has to bind with zinc in the body. This pill, which you take for five days prior to your appointment, helps your body retain zinc better, so there’s more available to bind to the toxin molecules. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, Zytaze made the effects of the toxin last 30 percent longer when taken for four days before an injection.
Before stars take it all off for the camera, they disrobe for their body wrap and laser technician, Starts will start by getting a slimming detoxifying body wrap that will help them to lose around 6 to 30 inches per treatment, following that they will get a radio frequency done, namely Alma Laser Skin Tightening , to tighten loose skin right away. Also in demand is Alma Laser Volume Reduction and Body Contouring Treatment, a volume reduction and body sculpting device that obliterates belly bulges, love handles, and back fat.
If you would like to try any of the treatments enjoyed by celebrities please give us a call 602-952-8446! Suddenly Slimmer Day and Med Spa offers all the above treatments and more!