Male Brazilian Wax
Men Go Nuts for Brazilian Bikini Waxes…Male brazilian wax clients used to mainly consist of bodybuilders, swimmers and models. However, all types of men are now having brazilian wax treatments because they like the clean feeling of being free of hair and also for self-image.
Dannielli Marcelino aka “Arizona’s Queen Of Bikini Wax” has been featured as an expert in waxing on several television stations FOX 10 News, Good Morning Arizona, Sonoran Living Channel 15 News, Channel 12 News, Channel 5 News, radio KISS FM, 96.9 The MIX, Power 98.3 stations & Newspapers Scottsdale TRIBUNE, YES magazine and The Arizona Republic.
One of the benefits of Male Brazilian waxing is that, unlike with shaving or tweezing, the waxed area will stay hair-free for up to four weeks. When the hair does grow back, it’s generally finer and softer than before. Suddenly Slimmer Spa was just featured on FOX 10 News in Phoenix |Scottsdale Arizona as experts in male brazilian wax also known as Manzillians.