PCA Hydroquinone & Resorcinol Peel
This chemical peel is the most potent version of the PCA Peel® exfoliating treatments. It is a deeper chemical peel that will provide more exfoliation for oilier, thicker, resilient skin types. It is for extremely sun damaged, thickened skin and can also be used to treat hands and arms. It is also excellent for those with active/cystic acne and asphyxiated skin (dry on the surface, oily underneath). In order to prepare your skin before getting a PCA Peel you will need to use a PCA kit two weeks prior to coming in for your PCA peel. PCA Kits can be purchase online, by phone or at the spa. If you don’t know which PCA Kit is right for you please call the spa and one of our skin care expert can help you pick which PCA Kit is right for your skin type.
Time: 30 to 45 minutes