Scar Removal
Any burn, injury, or other trauma, such as surgery, can cause a scar. Now a scar isn’t bad if it’s small or in a location that’s easy to conceal. But when it’s not, you may wonder if there’s a way to treat it, other than hiding it under your clothes, that will make it go away or at least change how it looks. We do offer some great options to diminish or completely remove scar appearance. The best is to start by coming in for a free consultation, that way you can meet with one of our skincare experts that will go over treatment options. Diagnosis: Many clients come to us after using ineffective scar treatment products that work topically rather than remodeling the skin back to form a firm, flat surface. Following the occurrence of acne, lacerations, or injuries, the skin forms new cells. When these new cells develop either too quickly (hypotropic scar) or too slowly (cuneiform scar), a scar forms. Solution: Scar revision cannot be achieved by merely rubbing a crème onto the surface of the skin.
Suddenly Slimmer Day and Med Spa implement different skin revision systems which force the skin to go into a repair phase, changing the architecture of the scarred area. The aim is to encourage old, damaged scar tissue to replace itself with stronger, firmer, healthier tissue. We advocate a series of treatments for optimal results, such as Pixel Laser Skin Resurfacing, Medical Peels, and the proper medical skincare products at home. Suddenly Slimmer Day and Med Spa is a world leader in scar revision.
Phoenix — Suddenly Slimmer Med Spa is proud to Offer the Latest Treatments For Scar Removal
***Please be aware that with any wellness program, individual results may vary.
3313 E. Indian School Rd. Phoenix, Arizona, 85018. Phone: 602-952-8446