Am I Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation Candidate?

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Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation

The 30-minute ultrasonic-cavitation treatments combine ultrasound waves, which can heat and liquefy fat cells, with ultrasonic waves designed to boost collagen production.

Using leading edge technology it converts fat cells into liquid which can then be naturally drained by the body’s own natural filtration system. Generally one fat cavitation treatment lasts 25 – 30 minutes where a single part of the body is treated. 72 hours must pass between each session so that the body can eliminate the fat.

The minimum suggested number of fat cavitation sessions is between 6 and 10. An included vacuum massage stimulates blood flow to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Treatments can target one body area, such as the upper arms, inner thighs, buttocks, or chin. Between 10 and 12 treatments are recommended for best results. Cavitation Massage after liposuction or plastic surgery can improve the results of the procedure. Liposuction or plastic surgery causes a lot of swelling and scarring of the subcutaneous tissues. Cavitation Massage helps to reduce fluid build up and scar tissue.

Before and After



Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Ultrasonic Cavitation?

Ultrasonic Cavitation is an effective non-invasive method breakdown of fat deposits and reduces cellulite. When exercise or diet does not help, Ultrasonic Cavitation is the best way to solve cellulite problems.

Ultrasonic Cavitation is a new technology that is using narrow frequency waves to break down unwanted fat cells. Fat cells get dissolved and absorbed into the bloodstream and then excreted in your urine. Treatments start with selected body areas and are conducted in the circular movement of the applicator in the selected body area. Treatment duration for each target area can be anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes depending on the size and thickness of the fat layer. Areas that can be treated by Ultrasonic Cavitation include:

  •  Arms- inner arm, back arm, full arm
  • Abdomen- upper, lower
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs- front, back, inner, outer
  • Back area- bra line, lower back
  • Calves
  • Ankles

Ultrasonic Cavitation and Liposuction

Ultrasonic Cavitation and Liposuction work in a similar way. Ultrasound field creates vibration in cells of a specific type (fat cells) as result content of the cell gets hot and the cell membrane breaks down. Ultrasound Cavitation does not require any pre-treatments and has no downtime. For best results, 6-9 sessions are recommended with 1-week intervals. Treatment does not require anesthesia as a procedure is painless for clients. Some discomfort and temporary redness may appear for a short time. Drinking regular water will eliminate any red spots in untreated areas.

Benefits of Ultra Cellulite Removal

  • Improve Blood Circulation and Lymphatic System
  • Promotes Elastic Effect to the Skin Texture
  • Body Shaping and Tightening Skin
  • No Surgery No Pain

Am I Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation Candidate?

Schedule a free Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation consultation

new client? Receive up to 20% off your first treatment

  • *by submitting this form you agree to be contacted via phone/text/email.