Made with blood plasma, the procedure has been gaining fans around the world.
You may remember, in the early days of Instagram, the photo of Kim Kardashian in a bloody face mask. At the time, the Vampire Facial was a huge controversy but, speeding up the tape to 2022, we’ve never had so many people falling in love with the procedure. We talked to Dannielli RN to understand more about the Vampire Facial technique.
“The truth is that the name Vampire Facial is just a way of calling the PRP (Plasma Rich in Placetas) technique, which is already well known” begins Dannielli RN. “The reference to the vampire comes because we use the patient’s blood to do the procedure, which helps in the prevention of fine lines and wrinkles, decreases sagging, and leaves the skin more radiant.”
What exactly is PRP, though?
Blood is drawn from your arm, then spun with a centrifuge to separate the plasma and platelets that contain your own growth factors—i.e., platelet-rich plasma (PRP). That PRP is then “microneedled” into the skin and applied on top of the micro-wounds to help stimulate your collagen even more.
The coolest thing is that PRP can be combined with other treatments to boost treatment. “We can perform procedures such as microneedling , microneedling radiofrequency, and microdermabrasion. These treatments will work by opening microchannels or decreasing the thickness of the skin tissue to make the plasma, which will then be applied topically, penetrate deeper into the skin, which enhances its effectiveness”, says Dannielli RN. And in South Korea it is already common to see the facial vampire combined with botulinum toxin for maximum rejuvenation.
Despite the Vampire Facial being super effective, it’s normal for some people to still be afraid of the procedure, after all, “what do you mean blood on your face, right?” But we emphasize that it is super safe: “As we apply a biological material from the patient himself and not something synthetic, there is no type of complication caused by the plasma itself.” What can, in fact, happen are small bruises where blood was taken or where plasma applications were carried out, but this is the adversity of Vampire Facial. “However, it is important to emphasize that procedures with PRP are not recommended for patients who suffer from blood disorders, such as clotting and bleeding disorders”, he warns.
In addition to facial procedures, the technique is used in other treatments such as stretch marks, improvement of scars, wound healing, and even combating hair loss.