VI PEEL Post Care Instructions
Vi Peel Post Care Instructions
Your VI Peel procedure has removed some of your skin’s protective layer. The delicate new tissue needs protection and help with healing. For best results follow these post-procedure instructions.
If there are questions or concerns in the days following the procedure, please call or text our office at 602-560-9066.
Immediately following the peel, the skin may appear tan, red, or yellow; this is temporary and will fade in minutes.
• Do not wash, touch, or apply make-up and/or sunscreen for at least 4 – 6 hours while the peel is on the skin. APPLY NOTHING.
• If you have excessive itching or irritation prior to this time period, you may wash the treated area with a mild cleanser and water. DO NOT rub with anything harsh such as a sponge or a washcloth. Take Benadryl if needed.
• Cleanse after 4 – 6 hours. Wash area with a mild cleanser (if you don’t have one we will suggest one) and water with hands only. Make sure the skin is dried well. Apply one of the post-peel retinoid towelettes to the peeled area 30 – 45 minutes after cleansing peel. Making sure the skin is completely dry before applying the towelette. Allow the product to absorb into the skin before going to bed (at least 1 hour before bedtime).
• If after applying the towelette you feel extremely dry or slightly stingy you may use the Vi Derm Moisturizer included in this kit. If needed, you may also apply a light layer of hydrocortisone 1% or 2.5% cream to relieve any irritation or redness. Remember you can take Benadryl if needed.
• AM: Gently wash face with a mild cleanser. You should apply the Vi sunscreen and/or make-up. Be aware of your sun exposure and make sure you have protection on.
• PM: One to two hours before bedtime, wash the area with a mild cleanser and water with hands only. Dry well, as skin must be completely dry. Apply the second post-peel retinoid towelette to the peeled area at least one hour before bed. This will allow the product to absorb into the skin before going to bed.
• If after using the towelette you feel extremely dry or uncomfortable you may use the VI Derm moisturizer included in this kit. If needed, you may also apply a light layer of hydrocortisone 1% or 2.5% cream to relieve irritation or redness. Take Benadryl if needed.
• AM: Cleanse with a mild cleanser, then apply moisturizer (if needed) and sunscreen before make-up. (Please use the products given). You may apply hydrocortisone cream at this time.
• PM: Cleanse with a mild cleanser and moisturize with the VI moisturizer. You can also apply hydrocortisone cream.
• You will start the peeling process by seeing a slight sloughing of the skin, first around the perioral area (mouth) then the rest of the treated areas. At this time the skin can get very itchy. This is a sign of healing and is normal! Again, apply hydrocortisone cream over the “itchy” areas.
• After peeling begins, apply Vi Derm moisturizer as often as necessary for comfort or to hide any sloughing of the skin. This will also aid in the elimination of picking the peeling skin. Refrain from picking the skin so redness, irritation, and hyperpigmentation do not occur.
• You may resume your regular skincare regimen. If your skin is still sensitive or becomes red or irritated, wait until the sensitivity subsides before using any strong products. This may take up to 2 weeks.
These areas will take longer to peel (usually the week after the first day of when the peel was applied). Follow the same instructions as for the face. After the second night of using the retinoid towelettes, continue to use tretinoin at bedtime until the areas start to peel. This usually takes about 5 – 7 days. Samples of tretinoin will be given. When washing treated areas morning and night, the old skin will slough off. Wash and pat dry. Do not scrub with anything harsh; use hands only. Then apply Vi Derm moisturizer.
• Use only the kit of Vi Products during the next 7 – 10 days. If you run out use a gentle non-retinol / acid cleanser/moisturizer.
• During the time before and after you start peeling; do not excessively soak treated areas. This will cause premature peeling.
• Avoid sunlight as much as possible during the peeling phase. Always use SPF of 30 or higher daily.
• Do not have any facial treatments (even waxing) for at least 2 weeks after you have finished peeling.
• DO not use anything on your face that is likely to burn or sting.
• Daily skin maintenance using our medical-grade skincare system will help preserve the effectiveness of the Vi Peel.