Vitamin C
Therapeutic Uses of Vitamin C- ☼ An antioxidant that is required for at least 300 metabolic functions in the body ☼ Required for tissue growth and repair ☼ Required for adrenal gland function ☼ Required for healthy gums ☼ Aids in the production of anti-stress hormones ☼ Aids in the production of interferon, an important immune system protein ☼ Needed for the metabolism of folic acid, tyrosine, and phenylalanine ☼ Can reduce symptoms of asthma ☼ Protects against the harmful effects of pollution ☼ Helps to prevent cancer ☼ Protects against infection by enhancing immunity ☼ Increases the absorption of iron ☼ Can combine with toxic substances, such as heavy metals, and render them harmless. ☼ May reduce levels of LDL while increasing levels of HDL ☼ May lower high blood pressure ☼ May help to prevent atherosclerosis ☼ Essential in the formation of collagen ☼ Protects against abnormal clotting and bruising ☼ May reduce the risk of cataracts ☼ Promotes healing of wounds and burns ☼ Works synergistically with vitamin E and beta-carotene ☼

Attacks free radicals and biologic fluids VITAMIN C MUST BE OBTAINED THROUGH THE DIET OR SUPPLEMENTS ☼ Signs of deficiency: – Gums that bleed when brushed – Increased susceptibility to infection, especially colds and bronchial infections – joint pains – lack of energy – poor digestion – prolonged wound healing time – tendency to bruise easily – tooth loss – edema Time: 15 minutes Price: $25