What is the Difference Between Kybella and Surgery?

Kybella is a non-invasive injectable medication used to dissolve fat under the chin. The procedure is safe and effective when used appropriately. Most patients experience swelling for a week or more after treatment and require several treatments at 6 week or more intervals to get their intended result. Patients are awake during the treatment and able to return to work immediately. As the fat dissolves, the inflammation caused by the process also tightens the skin. If surgery is not for you, then Kybella offers results more gradually and noninvasively. Generally, if you have a double chin or fat pockets below your chin, you may be a candidate for Kybella. The doctor will likely rule out the possibility that your chin fullness is related to a medical condition before giving the OK to proceed with Kybella treatments. Ideal candidates are typically in good health and have good elasticity in the skin around their neck region. They also must be at least 18 years old.

Some men may be afraid they’ll look feminine. But with Kybella, we get rid of the double chin and make the jawline look more defined, prominent, and chiseled. The jawline is probably the most masculine area of the male face, and Kybella is creating a more masculine facial structure. That’s the beauty of this treatment: After a cycle has been completed, the fat cells are no longer there. It’s a long-lasting result.

Kybella-man-before-after-PhoenixWhat Kybella does is permanently eliminate excess submental fat (the “double chin”), which can reveal prominent platysmal bands that were already present. The reason they weren’t seen prior to the Kybella injections is because the submental fat was creating an extra layer, or barrier, between the skin’s surface and the already present underlying platysmal bands, thereby hiding them from being seen. Double chins can be caused by a few things, including weight gain that increases the amount of fat in your neck and chin, heredity, and age. There’s just a stubborn area of fat and Kybella really addresses that. They don’t have to undergo surgery. They can have a non-surgical procedure that permanently reduces the fat. It’s this compound that just basically breaks down your fat molecules so then they’re dead, permanently dead, and your body just absorbs the fat away.

Liposuction is another option to combat a double chin, but it’s surgical, requires anesthesia and is more expensive at around $6,000. Botox can be used to soften the tightness of platysmal bands. They can also be corrected surgically which also is very expensive.

kybella-lady-before-after-scottsdaleKybella treatment is permanent. That’s because it contains a naturally occurring molecule called deoxycholic acid. Its job in the body is to aid in digestion by breaking down fat. When injected into the fat beneath your chin, Kybella destroys the fat cells. Once destroyed, the cells can no longer store or accumulate fat, so further treatment is not expected once you reach your goal.

kybella-before-after-arizona.jpgWhat is the age the double-chin starts appearing?

For some by the age of 30-to-40-year-old guy who’s let himself go a little bit, and his double chin is really bothering him. The treatment shifts his health perspective. Some people say I’m going to make sure this treatment lasts and make sure the rest of my body reflects that change.

Kybella the only Injection solution to remove Double Chin! Double Chin takes away the shape of your face. It’s not very attractive, when one sees the double chin, nobody likes that and this is what we mostly hear from prospect clients.

There are many great benefits of this new injectable, but what do you think about the potential side effects and risks?

Kybella shares similar side effects to fillers and Botox, swelling and bruising at the injection site. There may also be numbness and itching, but these are all reported to be easily managed and short term.

If successful, how will Kybella change the aesthetics market and help patients?

People have been waiting for an injectable like Kybella for many years and now it’s safe and FDA approved. This will enhance facial rejuvenation and provide individuals with a non-invasive alternative to a neck-lift.

Source: 602-952-8446 3313 East Indian School Road, Phoenix Arizona 85018 (Near by Fashion Square Mall)

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